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Easy to Follow Skin Care Tips for Men


Being a founder of a skincare brand like Sharyln & Co, it should be a given to most people that I take good care of my skin at home. But it does not limit to just me. At home, I’ve set up a skincare routine for both my daughter and son since they were young.

This usually has some people turning heads in shock and amazement. “Your son as well?” they asked and the answer was “of course!”

young boy

My son started his basic skin care routine when he was six years old and it was a simple routine of just cleaning face with Cetaphil Liquid Cleanser and sunblock made for toddlers. When he has reached ten, he uses our KYLN Spotless Acne Serum whenever he sees pimples and the routine never break.

Even though nowadays more people are accepting that men DO need skincare, there are still people who define skincare as something “girly” and something men shouldn’t do while others think that it’s not a need but just a mere marketing strategy. 

Let’s get one thing straight: Skin care is NOT just for women. Every human being has skin and caring for your skin is just self care and personal hygiene! So, don’t be going around thinking “neh, it’s not important”, or you’ll regret big time fellas!

The bottom line is that skincare matters for men too and we, Sharyln & Co, stand by that idea. Our products are not limited to just women (men can use them too) and you’ll be seeing some of them appearing in our recommended skin care routines below. 

We’re not lying when we say good skin care transforms your face because it does and it is such a powerful tool that we have against most common issues we see on our faces - be it wrinkles, acne, or sun damage.

And surprise, surprise fellas! It’s more than just washing your face using whatever soap you use for your body. We’re being straight with you here when we say that you won’t see results in a day. Like most things, it takes commitment, consistency and a little bit of trial and error so you have to be a little patient. 

Going back to the topic, a lot of men tend to think that getting started with skin care is such a black hole of information. So they’re daunted and confused which leads them to not wanting to put in effort to figure it out or just don’t care. Well, we’re here to say they, and you, should care. And building a skin care routine from scratch isn’t rocket science and you’ll be surprised at how little time and products it takes to start seeing results. And guess who’s here to help you out!

That’s right, we’re here to break down a lot of the information you see on the internet and lay them out for both beginners and advanced. So let’s get started. 

Basic Routine for Beginners

So we’re guessing you’ve never washed your face with anything other than a hand soap but you’re here to change that and start brand new! Fear not, for those who want a quick and easy solution, we’ve curated the simplest routine for you.

Step 1: Face cleansing
Cleanse day and night with gel-based cleanser which is suitable for all skin types.

Step 2: Moisturise or Sunblock
Apply moisturiser that contains SPF or simply apply sunblock.

Ideal Routine for Everyone

So you found out how easy it was to see improvements on your skin with our basic routine and want to step things up a bit. We’ve got you covered.

Daily Routine

Step 1: Facial Cleanser 
Cleanse day and night with gel-based cleanser which is suitable for all skin types.

Step 2: Treatment Serum
Apply treatment serum if you have specific skin concerns to solve such as for acne, pigmentation, etc.

Step 3: Moisturizer or Sunblock
Apply moisturizer that contains SPF if your skin is dehydrated and dry or simply apply sunblock

Weekly Routine

Use an exfoliating scrub once a week can help to remove dead skin cells and decongest clogged pores . It is ideal to use a mask after exfoliation.

There are many types of masks. We recommend 2 types of mask to be used regularly for optimal skin. 

  • Use a hydration mask 1 to 3 times a week if your skin is dehydrated and dry.
  • Use a clay mask weekly to deep cleanse your skin and reduce sebum build-up.

Monthly Routine

Facial Treatment
Having a deep cleansing facial once a month can help to clear dead skin cells that home care can’t and promote skin renewal.

And that’s it. Simple, isn’t it? Now, all you need to do is to start getting those saviour products for your skin.


Sharyln & Co - October Promo Skincare Set

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