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How to treat Adult Acne

“OMG, I’m almost 40, why am I having acne at this age? This is what most of my customers asked me. 

Acne is not just for teens. Adults at the later stage can get it too!

There are lots of reasons why a person develops adult acne. Some doesn’t have acne during their younger days but have it when they are in the later stage of life. 

Adult acne has many similarities to adolescent acne with regard to both causes and treatments. But there are some unique qualities to adult acne as well.

Why adult have acne?

Acne is a condition that one hardly can tell when it will pop up. The key is to keep your skin clean and “stress-free”. The usual causes that directly contribute to acne are: 

  1. excess oil or sebum production
  2. pores becoming clogged by “sticky” skin cells
  3. excessive bacteria growth including P.acnes
  4. inflammation

There are also some indirect causes such as,

  1. hormones, stress, and the menstrual cycle in women, all of which can influence oil production
  2. hair products, skincare products, and makeup, which can clog pores
  3. diet, which can influence inflammation throughout the body
  4. some medications, including corticosteroids, anabolic steroids can also cause acne.
  5. over-exfoliation of your skin, too much abrasive treatments e.g. lasers, chemical peels
  6. medical condition such as polycystic ovarian syndrome, or other endocrine disorders. 

How can we prevent or manage breakouts?

If you are looking at DIY, there are 5 tips for you

  1. Avoid extracting the pimples yourself and stop touching your face
  2. Do not over-wash your face
  3. Avoid harsh cleanser
  4. Apply Moisturiser
  5. Apply Acne Treatment Products eg KYLN SPOTLESS or KYLN MASKNE


Some studies have shown consumption of dairy products increase the chance of acne breakouts, you may also wish to cut down the intake and see if it helps.

When the acne condition is serious, I would recommend that you seek professional advice from licensed aestheticians or dermatologists. The following treatments are able to manage acne breakouts however which one suits you will depend on your condition.

  1. Isotretinoin (Accutane, other brands), taken by mouth, is the closest thing to a “cure” for acne that exists and is used to treat severe acne. Women who can become pregnant need to take special precautions when taking isotretinoin, as it can cause significant harm to the fetus. While taking this medication, you are advised to apply moisturiser and sunblock as your skin will be dry and sensitive to light.
  2. For women with hormonally driven acne that flares with the menstrual cycle, a medication called spironolactone, which keeps testosterone in check, can be prescribed. Oral birth control pills can also help regulate hormones that contribute to acne.
  3. In-office light-based treatments, such as laser, photodynamic therapy (PDT), IPL, can sometimes help. Chemical peels, also done in-office, may help to treat acne and fade post-inflammatory pigment changes. Purifying or acne facials can help too as they clear away dirt and dead skin cells stuck on your skin. I do not recommend too many of Laser or chemical peel treatments especially when your breakouts are due to over-exfoliation. Your skin needs time to repair and recover whenever you exfoliate.

Take care and if you have any concern about your skin, feel free to ask me, whatsapp me, DM me. It is your skin, don’t be shy to ask how you can have good skin. 


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